Our Mission
JYDA was founded in 1971 and is dedicated to the development of professionals in the field of Conservative Jewish youth work, and to raising the consciousness of the general Jewish community to the importance of this profession. JYDA develops educational programs and materials which emphasize the importance of Judaic knowledge and trains Youth Directors and Advisors in group work skills.
Who is JYDA for?
Full and Part Time Youth Directors, Branch Directors, Engagement Directors/Associates, Program Assistants, and Advisors (Kadima, USY)
Benefits of Membership Include
- Annual Conference – provides a forum for educational and experiential exchange, opportunities for sharing valuable program ideas, and international networking opportunities
- Regional and National professional development sessions
- Network of peers and colleagues
- Job placement and guidance
- Advocacy for Youth Directors before the Teen Engagement Department, its Youth Commission, Teen Learning Committee, and USCJ
Aims and Objectives of JYDA
- To encourage young people to enter the field of Jewish education and youth work;
- To promote and encourage the proper training of personnel in the fields of informal Jewish education and youth work;
- To offer a forum for the presentation of new concepts and trends in informal Jewish education;
- To define the relationship between the congregation and the Youth Staff;
- To aid in the recruitment and selection of personnel, enabling the synagogue to obtain the most qualified and able staff;
- To promote and encourage continuing Jewish and secular education among our membership;
- To facilitate the exchange of creative and imaginative new program concepts;
- To develop stability in the field of professional Jewish youth work.
How do I join?
Click here to access our membership form. You can also send an e-mail to info@jyda.org for more information.